Alexander McLin
Executive Director
Alexander McLin
Brief Introduction
Alex McLin is the Executive Director of ASA – the Swiss Arbitration Association. He is responsible for leading the Association’s operations as well as the overall development of its activities. ASA is a non-profit association with 1200 members - of whom more than 350 from outside Switzerland, all practitioners and academics engaged and/or interested in domestic and international arbitration. He is the former CEO / Secretary General of the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI), the international governing body for equestrian sport. Prior to this, Alex was its General Counsel, acting as prosecutor before the FEI Tribunal on doping and disciplinary matters, and representing FEI interests before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). Previously, Alex was General Counsel and Associate Vice President of CNET Channel, a business active in the licensing of IT product information worldwide. Before that, he practiced litigation and international arbitration with Baker & McKenzie in New York. Prior to practicing law, Alex was at the World Economic Forum, where he was responsible for design and implementation of the Davos Annual Meeting program. Alex holds a JD from the Duke University School of Law, where he was Articles Editor of the Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law, Haverford College (BA Economics) and the International School of Geneva (IB). He is a member of the New York Bar. He is a Swiss and US national, and a member of the New York bar. He is a member of the panel of arbitrators of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). He is a frequent speaker on sports arbitration and governance matters in particular.
Organizing Committee Information
Organizing Committee Address:16-17/F, China Merchants Tower, No.118 Jian Guo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Organizing Committee Tel:+86 010 6566 9856/+86 010 6566 9854
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