Clarisse von Wunschheim
Clarisse von Wunschheim
Hartmann Dreyer
Brief Introduction
Clarisse is a Partner at Hartmann Dreyer in Fribourg, Switzerland and an Of Counsel at Asiallians in Beijing, PRC. She specializes in cross-border and cross-cultural dispute resolution, in particular international arbitration, with a focus on the European and Chinese market. Clarisse started her career with a major commercial law firm in Zurich. She then spent nine years in China, where she worked as a lawyer advising and representing foreign (primarily European) and Chinese companies in cross-border arbitrations and litigations in the fields of general contract law, joint ventures, sales disputes, agency and distribution, and other FDI projects. Clarisse was also the Secretary General of the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Beijing. She returned to Switzerland in late 2013. Clarisse has been involved as counsel, secretary to the arbitral tribunal as well as arbitrator in dozens of arbitrations under various rules including the ICC Rules, SCAI, Uncitral Rules, ICSID, CIETAC, etc. She is also an CEDR accredited mediator. Clarisse works in French, German, English, Spanish and Chinese (Mandarin), and has a good grasp of Italian. She is a lecturer at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), the Geneva School of Economics & Management (Switzerland) and at the University Institute of European Studies of Turin (Italy), where she teaches contract, company and arbitration law. She is also author and co-author of several publications on arbitration and contract law, including her PhD thesis on “Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in China”. In 2016, Clarisse was short listed by the GAR Awards 2016 among the nominees for the award of “best prepared and most responsive arbitrator”.
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