Richard Power
Richard Power
Clyde & Co LLP
Brief Introduction
Richard is a specialist in resolving complex cross-border disputes through arbitration, litigation, mediation and other forms of ADR. He has particular experience in the oil & gas/energy sectors, advising on contractual disputes, gas price review arbitrations and Energy Charter Treaty claims. He also has expertise in the fields of outsourcing/IT and commercial banking disputes. He has extensive international arbitration experience, and has arbitrated disputes under International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC), UNCITRAL and the American Arbitration Association's International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) rules. Having obtained Higher Rights of Audience (advocacy rights) in the English Courts, Richard often conducts his own advocacy in arbitrations. Richard has acted for a wide range of clients, from oil & gas/energy companies such as Scottish Power, E.ON and RWE Dea (now Ineos), through banks such as The Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds Banking Group, to multi-national corporate entities such as Bidvest Group. Richard has acted for companies from across the globe, including Russia, Greece, Ukraine, South Africa, Israel, and the USA. He joined Clyde & Co. from Berwin Leighton Paisner (BLP) where he was Co-Head of International Arbitration and Head of Energy Disputes.
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