Michael Davison
Michael Davison
Hogan Lovells
Brief Introduction
Michael joined Hogan Lovells in London in 1986 and worked in the firm's Paris office between 1990 and 1996, at which time he qualified as a French avocat. He became a partner in 1997. He now leads the Litigation Arbitration and Employment practice. He has represented clients in arbitrations under the rules of the ICC, the LCIA, CIETAC, UNCITRAL, ICSID and the Cairo Centre for Arbitration. Many of the arbitrations which he has handled involve the energy sector. He has assisted energy clients with cases in Asia, Africa (Chad, Equatorial Guinea, South Africa and Ethiopia), in the Middle East (Dubai, Qatar and Egypt), in Pakistan, in Malaysia, in Russia, the Central Asian Republics and Eastern Europe. He contributed to the BIICL study on damages in investment disputes and has written extensively on arbitration practice and procedure. He sits regularly as an arbitrator in disputes involving Ukraine, Russia and the Middle East. He is qualified as a CEDR mediator and as an advocate of the Senior Courts in England.
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