Christopher Lau
Chartered Arbitrator
Christopher Lau
Maxwell Chambers
Brief Introduction
Senior Counsel, Independent Arbitrator, Maxwell Chambers, Singapore, 3 Verulam Buildings, London With over 35 years of experience, Christopher has an in-depth understanding and knowledge of Asian legal culture and market dynamics. He has served as arbitrator in mostly international cases under, amongst others, ICC, HKIAC, JCAA, KLRCA, LCIA, SCMA, SIAC and UNCITRAL arbitration rules. His arbitration practice encompasses BIT, investment and all aspects of commercial disputes including maritime, construction, energy, corporate and insurance disputes involving the laws of various jurisdictions including those of Singapore, India, Hong Kong, PRC, England and New York. Chambers & Partners refers to him as being a “very solid arbitrator” with a “great reputation” bringing “his experienced and charming” approach to high-profile cases in Singapore and across Asia as well as having US and European experience. Christopher is a panel arbitrator with many arbitral institutions including BAC, SIAC, SCMA, HKIAC, KLRCA, KCAB and AAA/ICDR. He is a Member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, a member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration, the recently established ICC Commission Task Force on Maximizing Probative Value of Witness Evidence, the Task Force on IBA Guidelines on Party Representation in International Arbitration, Working Group IBA Rules on Investor-State Mediation and Board of Advisors New York International Arbitration Center. He is an independent, non-executive director of the Board of Directors of Wing Tai Holdings Ltd, serving as Chairman of its Audit Committee and member of its Nominating Committee and an independent, non-executive director of the Board of Directors of Singapore Technologies Marine Ltd serving as Chairman of its Risk and Audit Committee.
Organizing Committee Information
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Organizing Committee Tel:+86 010 6566 9856/+86 010 8565 9584
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