Leslie Zhang
General Counsel and Vice-President
Leslie Zhang
General Counsel and Vice-President of United Energy Group Limited
Brief Introduction
Mr. Leslie Zhang is the General Counsel and Vice-President of United Energy Group Limited, a Hong Kong listed company, and was a former director of the Project Management Section under the Legal Department of China National Offshore Oil Corporation. He has extensive experience in many global scale cross-border M&A transactions and was nominated by the SASAC as the “Cross-Border Transactions Expert”. He is an active board member of the Association of International Energy Negotiators (AIEN, formally, the Association of International Petroleum Negotiators or AIPN) and a member of the Drafting Committee for AIEN. Mr. Leslie Zhang is currently listed on the panels of arbitrators of the BAC/BIAC, SHIAC and WHAC.
Organizing Committee Information
Organizing Committee Address:16-17/F, China Merchants Tower, No.118 Jian Guo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Organizing Committee Tel:+86 010 6566 9856/+86 010 6566 9854
Organizing Committee,Post Code:100022
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