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Hong Kong Event Introduction
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Last year the BAC/BIAC and the CIArb (EAB) successfully organized the Annual Summit together in Hong Kong for the first time during the HKArbWeek. This joint event is part of a series of Annual Summit on Commercial Dispute Resolution in China organized by the BAC/BIAC. Since 2013, the BAC/BIAC has begun to compile annual reviews on commercial disputes revolutions in China and has successfully hosted Summits in London, Paris, The Hague, Frankfurt, Cologne, Zurich and Vienna. This year, the Annual Summit reaches its fifth anniversary. The purpose of the Summit is to create a platform for arbitration practitioners and users to discuss and exchange views on the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative development strategy on the international dispute resolution in recent years. What impact does the Initiative have on commercial disputes revolutions in China? Is there any rules or experience that we can learn from it? The 2017 Hong Kong Summit on Commercial Dispute Resolution in China will provide a unique opportunity to both users and practitioners as how to face the challenges and capture the opportunities of the Initiative via dispute resolution. As usual, participants of the Summit will have opportunities to discuss relevant issues and exchange ideas with the panel members. As the BAC/BIAC is the exclusive diamond sponsor of ICCA 2018, there will be a roadshow for introduction of 2018 ICCA.
Guest Speakers
Hong Kong Event Agenda
09:00 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:45
Welcome Address


Dr. Fuyong Chen, Deputy Secretary General, BAC/BIAC


Ms. Teresa Cheng, GBS, SC, JP, Vice Chairperson, BAC/BIAC

Ms. Mary Thomson, Chairman, CIArb(EAB)

Mr. Andrea Martignoni, Vice President, ACICA

09:45 – 11:15
Session One: Evolution and Adaptation – The Future of International Arbitration – ICCA, 2018


Mr. Jingzhou Tao, Managing Partner in Charge of Business Development in Asia, Dechert LLP


Dr. Helena H.C. Chen, Chief Rep. of Beijing Office and Partner, Pinsent Masons LLP

Ms. Caroline Kenny, QC, President, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Australia)


Ms. Louise Barrington, Branch Committee Member of CIArb(EAB); Chartered Arbitrator, Accredited Mediator

Ms. Kim M. Rooney, Member of the Hong Kong Bar Association's Council; Barrister, International Arbitrator

11:15 – 11:30
Coffee Break
11:30 – 12:45
Session Two: The OBOR and Energy Transactions: Risk Management and Dispute Resolution


Mr. James Kwan, Partner, Hogan Lovells International LLP


Dr. Libin Zhang, Partner, Broad & Bright Law Firm

Mr. Weihua Zhang, Vice president & General Counsel, United Energy Group Limited


Mr. Andrea Martignoni, Vice President, ACICA

Mr. Wilson Wei Huo, Partner, Zhong Lun Law Firm

12:45 – 13:45
Networking Lunch
13:45 – 15:15
Session Three: Chinese Financial Investment Regulation and Practice - Impacts on the OBOR Financing Investment


Ms. May Tai, Managing Partner, Greater China, Herbert Smith Freehills


Dr. Xiuming Tao, Partner, JunZeJun Law Offices

Mr. Zhi Bao, Partner, FenXun Partners


Mr. Lei Shi, Consultant, Clifford Chance

Mr. Jiaxing Zhou, Managing Director and Head of Legal Department, CICC HK

Mr. Yong Kai Wong, Managing Director and General Counsel, CITIC Capital

15:15 – 15:30
Coffee Break
15:30 – 16:45
Session Four: The Opportunity and Risk in the OBOR Infrastructure Projects on the Perspective of the Development of Chinese PPP Practice


Ms. Sarah Grimmer, Secretary General, HKIAC


Mr. Zhonghua Zhu, Partner, City Development Law Firm (Beijing)

Mr. Jun Cui, Managing Director, Eminent Consulting Limited


Mr. Patrick Zheng, Managing Partner, Clyde & Co LLP

Mr. Thomas Walsh, Consultant, Clifford Chance

16:45 – 18:00
Session Five: Invigorationg Trade and Developing Dispute Resolution in China – A Comparative Study


Dr. Colin Ong, QC, President, Arbitration Association Brunei Darussalam; Barrister, International Arbitrator


Dr. Xuehua Wang, Partner, Beijing Huanzhong & Partners

Mr. Stephan Guo, The Director of the CACLO


Mr. William M.F. Wong, SC, The Chairman of the Arbitration Committee of the Hong Kong Bar Association

Mr. Khory McCormick, Vice President, ACICA

18:00 – 18:35
Closing Remark


Mr. David Fong, Vice Chairman, CIArb(EAB)


Mr. Joao Ribeiro, Head of UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific

Mr. Rimsky Yuen Kwok-keung, GBM, SC, JP, Secretary for Justice, Hong Kong SAR Government

18:35 – 20:00
Cocktail Reception (Dress Code: Business)
Hong Kong Video
Hong Kong Photo
Fuyong Chen
Teresa Cheng
Mary Thomson
Andrea Martignoni
Jingzhou Tao
Helena H.C. Chen
Caroline Kenny
Louise Barrington
Kim M. Rooney
Session One
James Kwan
Libin Zhang
Weihua Zhang
Andrea Martignoni
Wilson Wei Huo
Session Two
May Tai
Xiuming Tao
Zhi Bao
Lei Shi
Jiaxing Zhou
Yong Kai Wong
Session Three
Sarah Grimmer
Zhonghua Zhu
Jun Cui
Patrick Zheng
Thomas Walsh
Session Four
Colin Ong
Xuehua Wang
Stephan Guo
Khory McCormick
Session Five
David Fong
Joao Ribeiro
Rimsky Yuen Kwok-keung
Group Photo
Cocktail Reception
Cocktail Reception
Supporting Organizations
Media Partners
Organizing Committee Information
Organizing Committee Address:16-17/F, China Merchants Tower, No.118 Jian Guo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Organizing Committee Tel:+86 010 6566 9856/+86 010 6566 9854
Organizing Committee Email:annualreport@bjac.org.cn ,Post Code:100022
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Phone +86 010-8565 9517